

Quick intro to launch Vibecast.

Vibecast is brought to you by Kristi Skutvik, Human Resources Expert and CEO at Workvibes. With today’s ever-changing head winds of turnover, ineffective retention strategies and finding the right talent, Kristi talks to leaders to hear their stories of the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to company vibes. In this episode I speak with Chris Tuff. Chris is a bestselling author of two books, The Millennial Whisperer and Save your Asks and a keynote speaker for several Fortune 100 companies. Chris shares lessons on empathy and genuine connection at work on some of the largest stages in the world. Chris has said, “In a world where everything is connected, we’ve never been more disconnected from each other – especially when it comes to the workplace.” Chris understand this challenge like few others and can provide the steps that are much needed to get back to authentic connection to maximize a company’s culture, retention and returns. For more information on workvibes please reach out to