
Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Gratitude costs nothing and is so valuable in the workplace. Why? Because people show up for people who care. Showing appreciation and a simple “thank you” can empower your team to go above and beyond for you every day. The greatest thing about gratitude is that you don’t need to have a platform or be an executive to show it. Gratitude can be shown to, for and about everyone you interact with on a daily basis. How can you incorporate some gratitude in your day to day in the workplace?

  1. Show someone you work with you value them by a handwritten note
  2. Send an email showing appreciation. If they aren’t your direct report, copy their manager so their manager can also give them a pat on the back
  3. Give examples of employees that have done something you are thankful for in a stand-up meeting/ all hands meeting. Others will see this and also start doing the same great things! Keep in mind that some people might be on the shy side and may appreciate something more private.
  4. Treat your team! There are many ways to do this such as a luncheon, gift cards, pizza party, etc. Know what your team values and do what you believe they would appreciate most.

We are grateful for you and hope you can find one thing to show your gratitude to you team. This inevitably will improve the vibes of your workplace.

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Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude costs nothing and is

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