Gathering with a Purpose

There has been so much conversation lately around where and how the workforce will show up in this post pandemic era. Return to the office, work remote, work hybrid, work from anywhere, etc. Whatever the variation that you as a business leader choose or whatever is chosen for you as an employee, there seems to be a key concept that should be kept in mind. How do you create meaning in the gathering and what is the purpose of the framework you choose?

Let’s get real, employees don’t want to be forced to show up to the office on a daily basis only to spend their whole day on zoom calls with their colleagues around the globe. Or, be told to come into the office X numbers of days per week, only to show up and it look like the zombie apocalypse. I think it’s safe to say, that many times the reason companies make a decision to have employees come back to an office is to “build culture and increase productivity” or at least that’s what I have heard on numerous occasions when engaging with business leaders. But what does “build culture and increase productivity” even mean?

Recently, I read the book “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker. She discusses gatherings of all sorts, personal and professional. A key ingredient in each gathering is specificity. “The more focused and particular the gathering is, the more narrowly it frames itself and the more passion it arouses.” This is so important when making the decision about how your employees will gather. The environment you choose should serve the purpose. Don’t let logistics take the front seat and drive your decisions on how, why and when you gather. Start with the purpose and create an environment to fulfill that. The meeting place can bring out the underlying meaning of the meeting as it embodies various contextual references and can be seen as a nudge to create behaviors. The environment also creates the mental construct, think energy and comfort. The structure (conference rooms vs. outdoors) creates or destroys the feelings associated with the gathering. If you can match the environment with the purpose, there is a high likelihood that negative emotion can be removed from that gathering.

Connection is a MASSIVE part of the employee experience AND leads to building culture and retention in the work place. To create connection with others a gathering in one way shape or form is likely going to take place. A gathering doesn’t need to be lackluster and unproductive, instead it should be filled with high energy and meaning.

What is the one thing you will consider next time you schedule a gathering? How will that one thing positively impact the employee experience?

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Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude costs nothing and is

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